Zogulitsa Bronze
Silicon Bronzish waya
1.Bew waya umakonzedwa kuchokera kwa chiyero chapamwamba komanso chamkuntho kwambiri ndi zida za zinc.
2. Mphamvu zake zowoneka zimadalira zomwe zasandulika zida zotenthetsera ndi mankhwala osiyanasiyana otentha ndi njira.
3. Mkuwa ndi imodzi mwazinthu zomwe zili ndi mawonekedwe owoneka bwino kwambiri ndipo imagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chizindikiro choyezera zinthu zina.
Makonda 99.99 Onetsani Oyera Oyera Oyera Copper Plate Comper Priceper Mtengo Wapamwamba
Mphepo yamkuwa ndi mankhwala osinthika ndi ukadaulo wosapanga dzimbiri. It has been widely used in recent years because of its advantages beyond the performance of stainless steel itself and its diverse product colors. The product has a highly corrosion-resistant copper layer, and the production process can maintain the original advantages of the stainless steel edge.